Whenever a person performs a strenuous exercise, it is necessary to have breaks in between. The same mechanism applies to the body after sex as well.
After a satisfying session with your partner, you might find yourself wanting to go for another round. However, your body might not be able to match up with your drive. According to a study by Dr. David Delvin and Dr. Christine Webber, seventy percent of women can climax about 20 times in a single session. However, that is not the case for men. They may need time between their first orgasm to consider having another one. It turns out that having safe sex by using contraceptives, such as condoms, is not the only thing you should consider when sleeping with someone.
Is It Possible To Have Multiple Orgasms

While multiple orgasms are more observable on women, some men claim that they can successively ejaculate without losing their erection in between. While cases like these are not as common, it cannot be denied.
Can you recover immediately after sex?
When men reach their climax, they secrete prolactin, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. A report on a 25-year-old male from roughly eight years ago stated that he was able to have multiple orgasms while being fully erect. It was found out that he did not release prolactin during the orgasm. Another circumstance where men do not go through the momentary rest is when they have dry orgasms. This happens when a man climaxes without ejaculating semen.
What does it mean if you need to recover after sex?
According to the International Society for Sexual Medicine, it is normal to experience a resolution stage, or what is commonly called the refractory period. It is the time when your body recovers from sexual sensations. During the process, the penis becomes flaccid, and there might be a temporary lack of interest in sex. Doing the act would be difficult as an erection, much less an orgasm, would not be possible for the time being.
How Soon After Sex Can You Orgasm Again?
A considerable amount of time should usually pass before the activity can resume once more. However, just as you cannot tell if you will go through the refractory period, you won’t be able to set a specific duration for it.
How long does the refractory period last?
As stated by Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD, who is a board-certified urological surgeon, the resolution stage for each person varies from only a few minutes, to days or longer. For men in the younger spectrum, it’s usually much faster. For the older folk, on the other hand, it can take around 12 to 24 hours.
However, there are some factors during the session that influence the length of the refractory period. It can be the arousal, quality of relationship with your partner, and frequency of sex. After the session, keep the excitement going and the erection will follow faster than it supposedly should. Although you can also use your hands and your partner's body for this, there is no shame in needing the assistance of a sex toy. There are several types of masturbation tools for men out there, such as strokers, cock rings, and penis pumps.
Can the refractory period be shortened?
Aside from the methods in bed, many men are looking for ways to reduce their refractory period. Naturally, you can boost your sexual health by executing strategies to improve your overall wellness. Maintaining a healthy body weight by doing cardiovascular exercises, and having a nutrient-dense diet, is one step that you are recommended to take. You should also get yourself checked and manage your underlying health conditions as well.
Some people also claim that pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) can help. You can try it out by tensing your muscles while urinating, then hold for a few seconds before releasing. Furthermore, erectile dysfunction medication, such as Viagra and Cialis, might be a solution. In a study by Mondaini et al. in 2003, the placebo-controlled trial found that 40% of the male participants who took sildenafil or Viagra had a comparatively shorter refractory period. However, similar research from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) reported that the same drug did not have any effect at all.
It has become apparent that unlike what is told in movies and books, doing it consecutively multiple times is not realistic for most guys. However, healthy sex is about the communication between the couple, the intimacy, and the pleasure they feel. It doesn’t only concern the orgasm, nor the amount of times a man can do it in a row. If both you and your partner want to go at it again, then climaxing is not the only way to keep the pleasure consistent. So as you focus on enjoying the satisfaction from merely touching and feeling each other, the moment to do it again may eventually come sooner than you might expect.